Contact us

We will reply to your email within 24 hours. If your item is urgent, please click Urgent contact via WhatsApp
Address:2301, 23rd Floor, Tefa Information Technology Building, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
Factory  :  Tanbian Industrial Zone, Shishan Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City
kerooya yu
Step One

Submit your inquiry by telling us your door and window requirements. KEQY will send you an email in a few hours to start purchasing Windows and doors products in China.

Step Two

We will send you the quotation of doors and Windows in less than 2 working days. You can then order product samples to confirm the quality. You can also perform sample customizations.

Step Three

We will confirm with you the details of all doors and Windows before placing a bulk order. Continuous communication and coordination, follow up production, ensure the product is correct.

Step Four

We help you collect decorative material products in our warehouse, check quality, and arrange Courier/sea/air delivery to any address in your country/region.